Health and Safety tips: Making the most of your journey
It’s important to recognize that being amongst nature’s pristine white sand beaches, and endless horizons of sunsets also brings about the mindfulness to be part of the solution and not the problem. This entails your self-assurance that your safety and well-being is cared for, and for the environment around you.
In this article, we cover the essentials of our Environmental Policy as well as our Safety Policy.
Environmental Policy
There are 3 primary rules of our Environmental Policy:
- 1. Be careful not to step on corals – dangerous organisms sometimes live on the surfaces of the coral and it is unsafe for you to step there. Touching or stepping on corals also damages the coral polyps.
- 2. Respect the animals and their homes, they have been there longer than you.
- 3. Be aware of your wastes Help El Nido/ Linapacan Coron stay dean by using reusable containers, refraining from littering and segregating biodegradable from non-biodegradable wastes.
Please note that while these serve as our primary rules, there may conditionally be additional requirements to follow depending on external factors that may include environmental, political and local government agency requirements.
Safety Policy
Our Safety Policy is essential for all passengers to adhere to, no exceptions. Whilst we are there to ensure a great time and celebrate the journey together with you, failure to comply will result in a shortened trip without refund and may incur potential fines (plus: nobody likes a party pooper!).
- 1. Life vests are provided for your safety – Wear them!
- 2. Listen to your Outpost X Expedition Leaders for safety instructions during your briefing before the trip starts. If you are in doubt, please ask for assistance.
- 3. Outpost X Administrators, Staff and Expedition Leaders reserves the right to stop a trip or remove a guest if they pose a risk to themselves or other guests at any time.
- 4. Alcohol is allowed but please be cautious with the amount you drink. No drugs or illicit substances are allowed.
We preserve the value of “honesty is the best policy” and we encourage all of our passengers, guests and customers to be honest with their capabilities and state of health.
If you are feeling unwell for any reason, please advise one of our friendly staff to assist you judgement-free (this includes recovering from hangovers – we’ve all been there).
If you are not confident enough to swim, dive or float without a life vest, please advise our friendly staff so we can ensure the safest options for you whilst still enjoying the many sites and experiences.
If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right at any moment of your journey, please advise our friendly staff to provide potential answers and work on solutions. Note that not all situations will have immediate solutions, so your patience and calm-nature is appreciated.
What if I’m feeling sick and can’t attend the tour?
Not to worry, so long as you give our team members a heads up before departure and as soon as possible, we can arrange an alternative date of travel for you. If you’re together with a group, you might have ‘missed the boat’ (literally). We can recommend alternative means of travel via partner agencies who manage land transportation to join them at the destination.